I shall continue to be an impossible person so long as those who are now possible remain possible. - Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - Jesus, in John 8:32

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GLBT Teen Suicides

There have been four GLBT teen suicides in the past three weeks. When is our culture going to name names and call out the real causes: internet bullying AND a culture that is so homophobic and cruel towards homosexuals that - for most teens - death would be preferable to acknowledging your real self?


  1. George, my heart has been aching since these unnecessary deaths came to life. I'm glad that people are finally talking..."It Gets Better" and the Trevor project have had thousands of hits online. Our schools need to step up and STOP the bullying...no matter the reason.
    You're the best George!!!
    Love, Marlene

  2. Thanks, Marlene, unless progressives and liberals are willing to take a stand and call bigotry and discrimination ugly and evil, this will continue. I'm honestly tired of equivocation and 'playing nice' by pretending that hatred isn't a bad thing. Maybe I should start an "I HATE HATRED" movement. There's a bumper sticker for ya!
