I shall continue to be an impossible person so long as those who are now possible remain possible. - Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - Jesus, in John 8:32

Friday, October 15, 2010


Joseph Heller couldn't write this stuff... Catch-22's wildest and most vividly lunatic moments aren't any more insane than our government and our society's homophobia and public wrestling with discrimination and bias.


Congress passes Don't Ask, Don't Tell. It survives a Republican administration. We elect a President who promises to end it. The court issues an injunction ending it. That President's administration files a motion to stay the injunction and reinstate DADT. Then the Pentagon says it's going to comply with the injunction and end DADT, but issues a memo telling gays not to share their sexual orientation, because who knows what will happen if the injunction is halted.
So, it's essentially the end of DADT, but back into the closet.

Joseph Heller couldn't write this stuff...


  1. I sgree, The inmates are running the assilym. Do we hire these crazy persons because no sane person would run for office?
    Pray for Willie, Mary and myself as we travel today and again late monday . We have a court date in Florida Moncay at 2:00 to determin wether we are able to keep that home.

  2. Please excuse all typos,am typing by the light of the screen, and not using the typing method I was taught, touch typing.Oh well.
