I shall continue to be an impossible person so long as those who are now possible remain possible. - Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - Jesus, in John 8:32

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Terrorism = License to Steal

Since 9/11 ANYTHING that smacks of defense against terrorism - no matter how bizarre - is on the table for funding (Including a couple wars, not necessarily related to terrorism, but deemed necessary by politicians who need to justify their existence, and do so by 'nation building').
But look at the MILLIONS of dollars spent on equipment that now sits in warehouses and does nothing to protect America and Americans, but pads the pockets of big defense and homeland security contractors. Ka-ching!!! But then again, what DO we DO in modern America that ISN'T a license for defense and homeland security contractors to steal??? Ka-ching!! Ka-ching!!!
Is there the SLIGHTEST possibility that money would have been better spent educating kids to not be so xenophobic, or to speak foreign languages, or even just to acquire a more considerate, broader world view? Someday the history books will read that the decline and fall of the American Republic was due to our own stupidity. Consider the airport puffer, and $10M wasted and tell me we're not reflexively stupid... Go ahead... Please tell me...


Friday, December 3, 2010


There are ALWAYS two sets of rules. Those who make the rules understand one set and those who follow them another. Human nature...
But government always seems to bastardize human nature and milk the worst from it.
So... let me get this straight...
The President, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces replaces the general in charge of the war effort when that general disagrees with him, or is out-spoken about his critique of the President's decisions, YET the Chiefs of the Army and Marine Corps get to openly disagree with the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, AND a Pentagon research and analysis about who should get to serve in the military, and nothing happens to them???
They are fortunate that I'm not President. They would be SO booted, so fast that their ribbons would spin.
And former poster boy for reasonable, rational Republicans, John McCain has gone off the deep end with his hate-mongering and name calling when he called Admiral Mullen's credentials and experience into question.
Yes, there are two sets of rules.
We need to do the right thing, here. We need to open the military to openly gay and lesbian service men and women.
We need to do it, not because it's politically expedient.
We need to do it, not because the Pentagon review said that it would work.
We need to do it, not because the President promised he would.
We need to do it, not because service members are or are not willing to serve beside a particular individual (that has NEVER been an option for service members and NEVER should be).
We need to do it, not because we are requiring - by law - that service members lie to their government and military leaders.
We need to do it because those gays and lesbians who want to serve are human beings and failing to let them serve their country in the military limits their rights and demeans the values of the United States of America. It's none of that other stuff, it's just because it's the right (honest, decent, free) thing to do.