I agree with French Diplomat, Joseph de Maistre, who said that "Every nation has the government it deserves."
Heaven help us.
Yesterday a California judge halted by injunction, the discriminatory and unconstitutional "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy barring gays from serving openly in the military. Yea.
But now the American public reacts. In a Yahoo news article this morning about the judge's injunction, there was a comment that read:
Who do these judges think they are??? Since when is it up to a judge to over rule a governing body, whose sole purpose is to CREATE LAWS. This is getting ridiculous. And for the record I think don't ask don't tell should be repealed, just not by some overzealous judge who doesn't know here place. Something needs to be done about judges making sweeping decisions like this.
Obviously against the judge's decision.
THEN people get to weigh in on the comments in Yahoo by voting a thumbs up or thumbs down.
The result for this particular comment?
2642 Thumbs up and1628 Thumbs down
Obviously the public likes this message and doesn't like the judges ruling.
BUT the very next comment read:
----------Good for Judge Phillips.
Anyone who want's to fight and die for my freedom gets my support.
With a thumbs up of 2380 and a thumbs down of 1903
The majority of commenting public like this comment that says "Good for Judge Phillips."
Is it the mindless mention of fighting and dying.
Are we knee jerk in that we approve of military and homeland security, even when WE GIVE UP WHAT THEY FIGHT FOR, IN ORDER TO NOMINALLY SUPPORT THE FIGHTERS? Can we please get past the point where we believe that support for our troops ought to be mindlessly equal to support for the Administration, the Pentagon or their policies?
Wrong is wrong and usurping civil rights, whether the person being refused the opportunity to serve is black, female or gay (and we drug our feet when all three wanted to serve) , is wrong. Our willingness to scrap Constitutional in order to protect the Constitution is insane.